Earlier versions written by J.P. Grossman and Paul Baker Send bug reports to crbug@mpog.com |
Wednesday, May 10, 2000
I don't know how it happened.. a single line of code got erased when I was putting
together CRMod++ 6.0. It went unnoticed for a long time, but it unfortunately
introduced a bug which could crash servers. I am therefore releasing a very
minor upgrade to fix this bug. There are only three changes in CRMod++ 6.1:
Friday, February 11, 2000
CRMod++ 6.0 has been released! Head on over to downloads
to pick up your very own copy. There are a limited number of "tin box" editions
available.. only the first 50 downloads will receive one! So act now!!
The servers page has been updated with a growing list.. send me email if you want your server added. If you run a server, you should consider switching to ProQuake which is fully compatible with crmod++ 6.0 and has some nice server-side features.
Saturday, February 5, 2000
CRMod++ 6.0 is now in beta - some of you may have already caught it in action
at elohim.ai.mit.edu ports 26000 and 27000. Those of you who know QuakeC will
understand the significance of the new features, all of which were impossible
before qccx unleashed the true power of the quake virtual machine. There is a
long running joke at the end of the crmod manual about erasing a hard
drive from QuakeC. Well it turns out.. I'm almost positive about this..
that you can. It would be horrendously difficult, and may only work on 25% of
machines, but I'm pretty sure I know how to do it. What can I say? If some
16 year old Belgian linux hacker sends you a progs.dat and says that you
have to try it, maybe you shouldn't.
Some of the features are things I have always wished I could do but couldn't, like hiding player IPs to prevent nuking and qkicking. It's a crying shame that it is only now, in the twilight of Quake's reign on this planet, that CRMod++ 6.0 arrives. I truly believe it is The Right Thing. Here are some of the changes:
Friday, January 21, 2000
I just finished going through the crmod code making various optimizations enabled by qccx.
The size of the progs.dat has now dropped to 397680.. definitely the leanest, meanest crmod
progs.dat that has ever existed. I haven't added any new features yet, but some old ones
have been patched up. For example, the observer heads-up display (for the few of you
that use it instead of the status bar) now shows *exact* player armour and health, and
the sping console command now shows exact player pings. The Elohim servers will be running
the alpha versions of 6.0; let me know if you encounter any bugs!
Wednesday, January 19, 2000
I thought that 5.1 might be the last version of crmod, but John Carmack released the quake source
code over christmas, and now all that has changed! No, I'm not thinking of integrating crmod
into the quake executable. But by looking at the quake source code I was able to figure out exactly
how the virtual machine (which interprets QuakeC) works. It turns out that there's a lot of
potential power that was previously untapped by QuakeC, so the first order of business was to
rewrite the compiler. I now have qccx, the world's only optimizing QuakeC compiler with support
for integers, pointers, arrays and string manipulation. Without making any changes to
the crmod source code, I recompiled it with qccx and the size dropped from 550560 bytes to
419616 bytes! The next step will be to add features to crmod that I previously thought were
impossible from QuakeC alone. Here is a small preview of what you will see in CRMod++ 6.0:
Friday, December 10, 1999
CRMod++ 5.1 has been released! Head over to the download page to
grab it. I've also added a small list of servers that are running
crmod.. let me know if you have a server that you would like me to add to the list.
Included with version 5.1 is DeQuake, a utility for converting files with quake characters to normal text files. This lets you take full advantage of the improved dedicated server console logging features; DeQuake will convert the console log to text so that you can actually read the player names.
Saturday, December 4, 1999
CRMod++ 5.1 is now in beta. It is currently running on shreddies.ai.mit.edu:27000 and should be up
shortly on The following features are new to version 5.1:
Friday, December 3, 1999
CRMod++ 5.1 is coming along nicely and should be in beta by tomorrow. There are a few new features
after all, including multiple admin codes, so that when someone leaks the admin you can figure out
who it was! This is one of many "Damn, I should have thought of that before!" features that have been
suggested to me by Izra'il over the course of CRMod++ development.
Sunday, November 28, 1999
What!?!? An update to the crmod home page? What can this mean??
It means that Paul Baker finally gave me access to these html files, and that I finally got around to
changing them. All I've done for now is write this message and add a modest FAQ.
It also means that, despite the fact that quake 1 is nearly dead, I will be releasing crmod++ 5.1 shortly.
Version 5.1 will mainly contain minor bug fixes and incremental improvements. I don't plan to add any
major new features as the current feature set has been quite successful, so it doesn't seem worth the
effort to put in something new. I'll be doing things like adding messages to the server console and
making voting messages easier to see. If there is something that you would desperately like to see
included in version 5.1, or if you are interested in beta testing version 5.1, send me email.
Wednesday, March 17, 1999 -- Version 5.00
Version 5.0 has been released! Lots of new stuff so download it now! Make sure to read the readme.txt and manual.txt. If you have problems check the FAQ. Any other questions email crbug@mpog.com. Put "I have read the readme.txt and manual.txt" in the subject line or you most likely will not get a reply.
NOTE: A minor bug has been found which sets the maximum number of teams to 0 when a
listen server is started in match mode. This problem can be corrected by
adding the following lines to the start of crmod.cfg:
skill 2
Please see the manual for an explanation of what these two lines do.